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Transfer Emails About a Deal From Your Mailbox Into TeamGram


You can transfer email correspondence with contacts from your personal mailbox to TeamGram.

  • Our Gmail add-on can be used by any Gsuite user but requires an administrator for setup. In most cases, it provides everything most Gmail users need to use TeamGram from their inbox.
  • For automatic transfer of messages to/from contacts, or to integrate email systems other than Gmail, your administrator can setup our SmartEmail feature.

You will want to transfer important email exchanges with your contacts to TeamGram and make them part of the deal history. The way to do that is to create TeamGram notes from those emails.

This will allow you to quickly review the history of your deal, including any email exchanges, in the notes section of that deal.

Depending on the integration options your administrator has chosen, you can tightly integrate your mailbox with TeamGram in different ways.

Method 1: Using TeamGram for Gmail

If you use Gsuite as your work email, TeamGram’s official add-on for Gmail is an easy and powerful way to selectively transfer messages from your mailbox to TeamGram notes.

TeamGram for Gmail works on the Gmail website, as well as the official Gmail mobile apps for iOS and Android. It will not work in other mail clients configured to use your Gmail account.

To install TeamGram for Gmail, follow these steps:

  1. Using your web browser, login to your Gmail account.
  2. Click on the Get add-ons button (Plus sign) on the right sidebar.
  3. The G Suite marketplace window will pop up. In the search box at its top, enter “TeamGram” and press enter.
  4. Find the TeamGram for Gmail box in the results and click on it.
  5. Click on the Install button. If you are the administrator of a G Suite domain, you may also be able to install this for all of your users by selecting Domain Install.
  6. If asked, select your work email address and grant the permissions requested.
  7. Now close the marketplace window and open any email in your inbox. The TeamGram icon will appear on the right sidebar while Gmail is displaying the contents of an email. Click on it.
  8. TeamGram for Gmail login page will be displayed on the right side of your Gmail window. Click on the login button and allow Gmail to access your TeamGram account. In some browsers, you may need to press the F5 (Refresh) key if the login screen does not go away after you allow access.
  9. You may be asked to select your company from the list. If that is the case, select it and click on save.

Once the installation and authorization steps are completed, you can start using TeamGram for Gmail to create new notes from emails:

  1. Open any email. TeamGram for Gmail will work only while an email is displayed on the screen.
  2. Click on the TeamGram logo on the right sidebar.
  3. Click on Share in TeamGram. This will create a note from your email.
  4. To view the note, click on View in TeamGram. Then click on the edit button on the note page. Click on connections and add the deal name. Save.

Method 2: Using SmartEmail

This feature automatically creates new TeamGram notes based on emails you send and receive from leads and contacts. The senders, recipients, subject, full text and attachments of the email are included in the note. The note will automatically be connected to the related contacts and leads. You can use this feature in two ways:

Manual Forwarding (Works with all email clients, incl. Microsoft Exchange)

To create a TeamGram note from any email in your inbox:

  1. Forward the email to the SmartEmail address of your company.
  2. Then go to the TeamGram news feed, click on the date of the automatically generated note and click on the edit button.
  3. Click on the connections tab and select the deal it is related to. Save,

You can lookup the SmartEmail address of your company by going to Control Panel > Smart Email Inbound. Only emails you forward from your primary email address registered in TeamGram will be processed.

Automatic Forwarding (Works with G Suite or Gmail)

You can setup your Gmail or G Suite mailbox so that every email you send or receive from your work email address is automatically forwarded to TeamGram without any additional action. When TeamGram receives an automatically forwarded email, if the sender and recipients are recognized as leads or contacts, a note will be created.

To setup automatic forwarding of your incoming messages:

Follow these steps to automatically forward all messages sent to your business email address to TeamGram:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Smart Email Inbound. Note the Smart Email Inbound mailbox address for your company.
  2. Login to your Gmail account.
  3. Click on the crank symbol near the upper right corner and select settings.
  4. Click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP
  5. Click on Add a forwarding address.
  6. In the popup box, enter the SmartEmail address you noted in step 1. When you confirm, Gmail will send us a request for confirmation. This may take some time. You can now go back to your inbox.
  7. Come back to Gmail’s Forwarding and POP/IMAP page later to see if your verification has been completed. If you are asked to enter a verification code, that means your request is still in review. You do not need to resend the verification email if it has been less than 24 hours since you initiated the process. If the Forwarding and POP/IMAP page no longer requests a verification code, you are ready to start forwarding. Proceed to the next step.
  8. Change the forwarding option from Disabled to Forward. Make sure your company’s SmartEmail inbox address is selected as the destination and “keep a copy” option is also selected. Click on the save changes button at the end of the page.

To setup automatic forwarding of your outgoing messages:

Follow these steps to automatically forward to TeamGram a copy of the messages you send to others from your business email address. You must complete the steps for forwarding inbound messages before moving on to these steps.

  1. Go to Control Panel > Smart Email Inbound. Note the Smart Email Inbound mailbox address for your company.
  2. Login to your Gmail account.
  3. Click on the crank symbol near the upper right corner and select settings.
  4. Click on Filters and Blocked Addresses.
  5. Click on the add new filter link under “The following filters are applied to all incoming mail” (The title is a little bit misleading, as these settings also apply to outgoing messages).
  6. A popup box will appear. In the from field, enter your own email address and click on the Create filter button.
  7. In the next popup box, select the Forward option and select your company’s SmartEmail address you looked up in step 1 (If you haven’t completed the steps to forward inbound messages, you may not see this email address among the options).
A note of caution

To minimize the risk of unintended sharing, TeamGram checks senders and recipients of forwarded messages and creates a note only if it recognizes a lead or contact.

Your default sharing settings are used to set access rights of other users.

If you exchange sensitive emails that require special rights settings or use your business email address for private communication as well, you may not want to enable the automatic forwarding feature, as it may cause private messages to be shared with coworkers on your CRM system.

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