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Office 365 Calendar Integration

You can use Office 365 Calendar to keep track of all your events.

You should have a Microsoft Account to use Office 365 Calendar service. Service notifies you by email or push message (mobile) when the events you have registered on the calendar are due in time or a period determined by you. You may easily create more than one alert if your event is very important and you definitely don’t want to forget.

Integrating Office 365 Calendar to TeamGram

You can link your TeamGram and Office 365 Calendar and have the same event displayed on both calendars. You can also associate these events with your customers and see which events were for which customer.

Enabling the integration:

  • You must grant access to TeamGram for Office 365 Calendar integration by ‘User integration’ tab on the “Control panel” > “Integrations” page.
  • You can allow TeamGram to access Office 365 Calendar by logging into your Microsoft account.
  • You may access the “Calendar” section from the TeamGram top menu after granting access.

Creating a “New event” in TeamGram 

  • Go to “Calendar” on the top menu.
  • Click on the day you want to create an event.
  • After filling in the “New Event” page opened from the right corner, you can view it from both calendars. (Office 365 and TeamGram Calendar)

Associate with your customers

  • You can view the events you created in your Office 365 Calendar in TeamGram and may add related records later.
  • You may easily associate your customers by selecting “People” or “Companies” which are registered in TeamGram on “Primary Relation” field while creating an event.
  • You may view the event in your Office 365 Calendar or in Calendar in the TeamGram top menu.
  • Calendar events created from the customer’s page are automatically associated with the customer.
  • When you create a new event, it’s seen automatically on your teammates calendar. Event invitation is also sent to the email addresses that you added as a participant.

Caution ! When you delete an event in TeamGram calendar, it’s also deleted from your Office 365 Calendar.

If you want to get information about Office 365 Email integration please click the link below.

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