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Email Integration (SmartEmail)

Enabling Outbound Emails From Your Company Email Addresses

Unless you authorize TeamGram to send email from your email domain, when TeamGram sends email to your leads, it does so from the no-reply@teamgram.com mail address, but sets the reply-to address as the verified primary email address of the TeamGram user who initiated it. That ensures maximum deliverability while allowing recipients to use the reply button to respond.

By authorizing TeamGram to send from your email domain, you can use your own email addresses as sender addresses. This option is only available if your users have email addresses with your own internet domain (eg, user@yourcompany.com).

Here is what your leads and contacts will see on the emails they receive from TeamGram before this change:

From: no-reply@teamgram.com (Reply to: user@yourdomain.com)

Here is what they will see after your domain is verified for SmartEmail Outbound:

From: user@yourdomain.com

To authorize TeamGram to send using your own email addresses, you will need to add some entries into your DNS (Domain Name Server). Your DNS is probably operated by your internet hosting provider. You may have online access to your DNS, in which case you can make changes yourself. Otherwise, you must ask your provider.

Technical Skills Required

Making changes on your DNS is tricky. If you are not familiar with managing DNS servers, don’t try to do this alone. Get help from your hosting provider or an expert.

  • Go to Control Panel > SmartEmail Outbound.
  • Type in the domain name (eg, yourcompany.com) used in the email addresses of your users. You can authorize only one domain name to send emails on your behalf. You can’t authorize a domain you don’t manage (eg, gmail.com).
  • Press the Start Verification button.
  • You will be asked to enter 5 records into your DNS. Each DNS entry consists of a type (TXT or CNAME), a name, and a value.

You must now access your DNS and enter these records. The procedure to do that depends on your provider. Please contact them for instructions on adding CNAME and TXT records.

You can come back to the Control Panel > SmartEmail Outbound page to check the status of your verification request. When there are no “Pending” items left in the page, your domain is verified to send emails from TeamGram.

When your domain is verified, no further change is required to update sender addresses, as long as your users already have their primary email addresses from that domain.

Setting Up a Company Mailbox to Get Emails into TeamGram

You will also need an easy way to feed emails from your users’ mailboxes into TeamGram, without having to copy and paste them. This is done by forwarding those emails either manually or automatically with a rule to a special mailbox.

If you have an eligible account, this feature is automatically enabled.

To see the mailbox your users can forward emails to create notes, go to Control Panel > SmartEmail Inbound.

For more details about forwarding inbound and outbound emails from user mailboxes, read this article.

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