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Get New Leads into TeamGram


You can enter leads into TeamGram manually. If you are using TeamGram’s mobile app, you can also scan business cards. To create leads automatically, you can connect your website forms, forward mailboxes, or connect 3rd party applications using our Zapier integration. You can also import them in bulk, using Excel files.

There are multiple ways you can add your leads to your TeamGram account. Depending on the source of the lead, some methods are more appropriate than others.

Manually Adding New Leads

You can manually add new leads to TeamGram using the new lead entry form. This method is especially useful when leads are not received in electronic format, as in phone inquiries.

To manually add a lead, go to the leads section and click New lead.

Scanning Business Cards with Your Mobile Phone

TeamGram’s mobile app has optical character recognition (OCR) feature which allows you to take a picture of a business card and automatically import that person as a lead.

To use this feature, go to the leads section of the app and click on the capture icon. This will alunch the camera. Take the picture of your lead’s business card. Review recognition results and set the fields that correspond to each recognized text block. Make corrections if needed, and save.

Embedding Lead Forms in Your Website

By publishing a web form in your website, you can give potential customers a safe and easy way to reach you.

Only administrators may publish web forms for leads. If you are an administrator, check out this article.

Importing Leads from an Excel File

When you’re dealing with more than a few leads and you want to make a bulk import, the best option is importing an excel file to TeamGram. You can easily upload your file, match the columns with the fields in TeamGram and complete your import. This method is especially useful if you have been previously using a spreadsheet application or when you are exporting your contacts from a different service.

You must be a system administrator to access the import page.

To import your leads from a file, go to Control Panel > Import/Export > Import and click on Leads from Excel.

Getting Leads from Web Chat Sessions

If you are using  a compatible web chat service in your website (eg, Zendesk Chat), you can create leads from chat sessions in that service.

Check out our Integrations Guide for compatible web chat services and usage instructions.

Connecting an External Source Using the API

You can also use TeamGram’s API (Application Programmer Interface) to automatically create leads with live data coming from an external system.

You can either use Zapier to integrate another service or directly use the API yourself to create leads in TeamGram. If you are keeping a local database, want to integrate another online service, or want to automate this process, you can use the API for getting your leads in TeamGram.

You need to be an administrator to get access to the API. The API may not be available for some subscription plans. Please contact our support team for more information about API usage.

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